Working with Charts > Classes > ParallelCoordinates > PCLine > PCLine Constructor
settings. JSON object that contains values of component properties.
The PCLine constructor creates a chart line.
Executing the example requires the ParallelCoordinates component named coord (see Example of Creating the ParallelCoordinates Component). Create a new line and add it to the chart:
// Create a new line line = new PP.Ui.PCLine({ Chart: coord, Id: "line4", }); // Add new data dataSource.setItemName(line.getId(), "Line 4"); dataSource.add(line.getId(), new PP.TimeAxis({ Items: [150] }), "id1"); dataSource.add(line.getId(), new PP.TimeAxis({ Items: [180] }), "id2"); dataSource.add(line.getId(), new PP.TimeAxis({ Items: [150] }), "id3"); // Set line color line.setColor(coord.getLinesColors()[4]); // Set line width line.setThickness(4); line.draw(); // Add this line to the chart coord.getLines().push(line);
As a result, the new line is added to the chart:
See also: