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Working with Charts

Working with Charts


This page shows classes used to work with charts based on the Canvas element and classes used to work with rating charts and parallel coordinates charts.

Plugin Classes and Parallel Coordinates Charts

  Class name Brief description
RatingChart The RatingChart class implements a rating chart.
RatingChartColumn The RatingChartColumn class implements rating chart column.
RatingChartDataColumn The RatingChartDataColumn class implements rating chart values column.
RatingChartHeader The RatingChartHeader class implements rating chart header row.
RatingChartSerie The RatingChartSerie class is used to work with rating chart data series.
EaxRadiusAngleChartView The EaxRadiusAngleChartView class implements a pie chart with changeable sector radius.
TrellisPlugin The TrellisPlugin class implements a trellis chart.
ParallelCoordinates The ParallelCoordinates class implements the ParallelCoordinates component, that is a parallel coordinates chart.
PCArea The PCArea class implements drawing area for parallel coordinates chart.
PCAxis The PCAxis class is an axis of parallel coordinates chart.
PCLine The PCLine class is a line of parallel coordinates chart.
PCObject The PCObject class is a base class for visual items of a parallel coordinates chart.
PCVisual The PCVisual class is used for mapping data of a parallel coordinates chart with its dimensions.

Classes of a Chart Based on the Canvas Element

  Class name Brief description
Chart The Chart class is used to work with charts based on the Canvas element.
ChartAreaPoint The ChartAreaPoint class is used to work with a point of data series in area chart.
ChartAreaSerie The ChartAreaSerie class is used to work with a data series of area chart.
ChartAxisTick The ChartAxisTick class implements the chart axis label.
ChartCanvasAxis The ChartCanvasAxis class is used to work with the chart axis.
ChartCanvasSerie The ChartCanvasSerie class is used to work with a chart data series.

The ChartCommon class implements the Chart page in the chart setup wizard.

ChartColumnPoint The ChartColumnPoint class is used to work with a point of data series in histogram.
ChartColumnSerie The ChartColumnSerie class is used to work with a data series in a histogram.
ChartEditMode The ChartEditMode class implements the chart edit mode.

The ChartLabel class determines text label.


The ChartMaster class implements the ChartMaster component: that is, the chart wizard.


The ChartMasterFoundation class is a base class for chart wizard.

ChartPiePoint The ChartPiePoint class is used to work with pie chart sector that corresponds to data series point.
ChartPieSerie The ChartPieSerie class is used to work with a data series in the pie chart.
ChartPlotArea The ChartPlotArea class is used to work with the chart plot area.
ChartPoint The ChartPoint class is used to work with a point of chart data series.
ChartPolarXAxis The ChartPolarXAxis class implements X axis in polar coordinate system.
ChartPolarYAxis The ChartPolarYAxis class implements Y axis in polar coordinate system.
ChartScroller The ChartScroller class implements scroller of the chart X axis.
ChartSplineSerie The ChartSplineSerie class is used to work with a data series of spline chart.
ChartText The ChartText class is used to work with text labels in a chart.
ChartTooltip The ChartTooltip class implements chart tooltip.
AxisCommon The AxisCommon class implements a tab used to work with axes.
LevelCommon The LevelCommon class implements a tab used to work with a level line.
SerieCommon The SerieCommon class implements a tab used to work with data series.

See also:

Class Library