Working with Bubble Tree > Components > BubbleTreeMaster > Example of BubbleTreeMaster and BubbleTree Components Layout
To execute this example, create an HTML page and perform the following operations:
1. In the HEAD tag add links to the following CSS files: PP.css, PP.Metabase.css, PP.Express.css.
Also add links to the following JS files: PP.js, PP.GraphicsBase.js, PP.Metabase.js, PP.BubbleTree.js, PP.TreeChartMaster.js, and BubbleTreeData.js.
Contents of the BubbleTreeData.js file
var data = { "BubbleStyle": PP.Ui.VisualizerItemStyle.RadialGradient, "SideBubbleMinSize": 10, "ImagePath": "build/img/", "Style": { "Release": { "Background": { "PPType": "PP.SolidColorBrush", "Color": "#FFFFFFFF" } } }, "InnerLabelsStyle": { "MaskText": "", "TextWrapping": "NoWrap", "Alignment": "Top", "TailLength": "0", "Direction": "LeftToRight", "ShowHandCursor": "false", "Style": { "Release": { "Font": { "IsItalic": "False", "FontFamily": "Arial", "Size": "12", "IsBold": "true", "Color": "#FF000000" }, "Background": { "Color": "#FFFFFF", "Opacity": "0.0" } } } }, "OuterLabelsStyle": { "MaskText": "{%Name}", "TextWrapping": "NoWrap", "Alignment": "Right", "TailLength": "10", "Direction": "LeftToRight", "ShowHandCursor": "false", "Padding": "5 5 5 5", "HoverMode": "Default", "Style": { "Release": { "Font": { "IsItalic": "False", "FontFamily": "Arial", "Size": "12", "IsBold": "true", "Color": "#FF000000" }, "Border": { "Color": "#c1c1c1", "Width": "1", "Radius": "4" }, "Background": { "Color": "#FFFFFF", "Opacity": "0.5" } } } }, "OrbitsPen": { "Color": "#80808080", "Style": "Solid", "Width": "2" }, "Model": { "RootItem": { "Id": "W", "Items": [{ "Id": "EU", "Items": [{ "Id": "EEU", "Items": [{ "Id": "RUS" }, { "Id": "UKR" }, { "Id": "POL" }, { "Id": "ROM" } ] }, { "Id": "NEU" }, { "Id": "SEU" }, { "Id": "WEU" } ] } ] } }, "ItemsNames": { "W": "World", "EU": "Europe", "EEU": "Eastern Europe", "RUS": "Russia", "UKR": "Ukraine", "POL": "Poland", "ROM": "Romania", "NEU": "Northern Europe", "SEU": "Southern Europe", "WEU": "Western Europe" }, "TextVisual": { "TextMapping": { "DataSource": "DataSource0", "DimAttributeId": "value", "Index": "0", "Type": "None" } }, "ColorVisual": { "ColorMapping": { "DataSource": "DataSource0", "DimAttributeId": "value", "Type": "Scale", "Index": "0", "Scale": "Scale0" } }, "SizeVisual": { "NumericMapping": { "DataSource": "DataSource0", "DimAttributeId": "value", "Index": "0", "Type": "None" } }, "DataSources": { "DataSource0": { "Title": "BubbleTree Data", "AttributesNames": { "color": "Color Value", "radius": "Radius Value", "value": "Value" }, "Series": { "W": { "value": { "Items": "100 110.0 120.0 130.0 140.0" } }, "EU": { "value": { "Items": "" } }, "EEU": { "value": { "Items": "" } }, "RUS": { "value": { "Items": "100.0 10.0 20.0 10.0 140.0" } }, "UKR": { "value": { "Items": "33.0 10.0 81.0 27.0 45.0" } }, "POL": { "value": { "Items": "22.0 10.0 30.0 33.0 34.0" } }, "ROM": { "value": { "Items": "15.0 10.0 28.0 62.0 38.0" } }, "NEU": { "value": { "Items": "53.0 10.0 40.0 35.0 34.0" } }, "SEU": { "value": { "Items": "43.0 10.0 41.0 43.0 45.0" } }, "WEU": { "value": { "Items": "41.0 10.0 41.0 42.0 46.0" } } } } }, "Timeline": { "Visibility": "Visible", "HorizontalAlignment": "Justify", "VerticalAlignment": "Bottom", "StepDuration": "500", "DelayDuration": "500", "ReturnToInitialState": "True", "StepsNames": ["1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994"] }, "Breadcrumb": { "Height": "24", "Margin": "0 0 0 0", "Padding": "1 1 0 1", "HorizontalAlignment": "Justify", "VerticalAlignment": "Top", "Style": { "Release": { "Background": { "Color": "#9C9C9C" } } }, "ItemStyle": { "Margin": "0 0 1 0", "Padding": "6 0 0 0", "HorizontalAlignment": "Left", "VerticalAlignment": "Middle", "Style": { "Hover": { "Background": { "Color": "#8F8F8F" } }, "Active": { "Background": { "Color": "#787878" } }, "Release": { "Background": { "Color": "#9C9C9C" }, "Font": { "IsItalic": "False", "FontFamily": "Arial", "Size": "12", "IsBold": "false", "Color": "#d8d8d8" }, "Border": { "Style": "solid", "Color": "#BABABA", "Width": "1" } } } } }, "Scales": { "Scale0": { "Id": "Scale0", "Values": "20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0", "Items": "#FFFF462C #FFEBAF36 #FFFFD900 #FFB1CA40 #FF6A8535", "EnableEquality": "false", "NoData": "#FFBFBFBF", "TypeArguments": "Brush" } }, "Legends": { "Legend0": { "Type": "Intervals", "Scale": "Scale0", "BetweenFormat": "from {0:0.00} to {1:0.00}", "GreaterFormat": "greater than {0:0.00}", "LessFormat": "less than {0:0.00}", "EqualFormat": "equal to {0:0.00}", "IncludeEquals": "false", "NoDataText": "no data", "NoDataPosition": "After", "NoDataVisible": "true", "DoHighlight": "false", "HighlightBrush": "null", "InactiveBrush": "null", "CellSpacing": "null", "Marker": "Circle", "Mode": "LessGreater", "ColumnCount": "0", "TextSpacing": "10", "TextWrapping": "NoWrap", "IsOuter": "false", "IsOverlap": "false", "HorizontalAlignment": "Center", "VerticalAlignment": "Bottom", "Padding": "3 0 3 0", "Margin": "6 6 6 6", "Header": { "Text": "GDP (mln $$)", "Margin": "2 2 2 2", "Padding": "2 2 2 2", "Style": { "Release": { "Font": { "IsItalic": "False", "FontFamily": "Arial", "Size": "12", "IsBold": "False", "Color": "#FF010000" } } } } } } }
2. In the SCRIPT tag add a code to create the BubbleTreeMaster and BubbleTree components:
<script language="javascript"> // Variable which will store chart instance var bubbleTree; // Variable which will store wizard instance var bubbleTreeMaster; // Specify path to root folder with resources files PP.resourceManager.setRootResourcesFolder("build/resources/"); // Determines language settings for resources PP.setCurrentCulture( // Get DOM element of container that will display bubble tree var container = document.getElementById("bubbleTree"); // Create a new chart instance bubbleTree = new PP.Ui.BubbleTree(data); // Place chart in the <div> block bubbleTree.addToNode(container); // Set chart sizes bubbleTree.setWidth(480); bubbleTree.setHeight(480); //create a chart wizard bubbleTreeMaster = new PP.Ui.BubbleTreeMaster({ ParentNode: "master", //DOM node that will contain wizard Height: 500, Width: 300, ImagePath: "build/img/", DataView: bubbleTree }); </script>
3. In the BODY tag place the created components:
<table style="width: 500px; border: #CCCCCC 1px solid"> <tr> <td valign="top" width="250" id="master"></td> <td valign="top" id="bubbleTree"></td> </tr> </table>
After executing the example the page will contain a bubble tree and a wizard for its setup: