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Working with Bubble Chart > Enumerations > LineTypes


Namespace: PP.Ui;


The LineTypes enumeration lists line types.

It is used by the following properties:

Available Values

Value Overview
solid Solid. Solid line.
dash Dash. Dashed line.
dot Dot. Dashed line.
shortdash ShortDash. Short dashes.
shortdot ShortDot. Short dots.
shortdashdot ShortDashDot. Dash dotted line with short dashes.
dashdot DashDot. Dot-and-dash line.
longdashdot LongDashDot. Dash dotted line with long dashes.
shortdashdotdot ShortDashDotDot. Short dashes with two dots.
dashdotdot DashDotDot. Dashes with two dots.
longdashdotdot LongDashDotDot. Long dashes with two dots.

See also:
