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Working with Bubble Chart > Enumerations > IntervalsLegendMarkerShape


Namespace: PP.Ui;


The IntervalsLegendMarkerShape enumeration lists types of marker shapes.

It is used by the ChartSymbol.MarkerShape property.

Available Values

Value Brief Description
Circle Circle.
Rectangle Square.
Rhombus Diamond.
TriangleDown Downward triangle.
TriangleUp Triangle.
LineCircle Circle with horizontal axis.
LineRectangle Square with horizontal line.
LineRhombus Diamond with horizontal line.
LineTriangleDown Downward triangle with horizontal line.
LineTriangleUp Triangle with horizontal line.
LineTriangleLeft Triangle rotated to the left, with horizontal line.
LineTriangleRight Triangle, rotate to the right, with horizontal line.
Line Horizontal line.
Custom Special shape.

See also:
