Working with Bubble Chart > Enumerations > IntervalsLegendMarkerShape
Namespace: PP.Ui;
The IntervalsLegendMarkerShape enumeration lists types of marker shapes.
It is used by the ChartSymbol.MarkerShape property.
Value | Brief Description |
Circle | Circle. |
Rectangle | Square. |
Rhombus | Diamond. |
TriangleDown | Downward triangle. |
TriangleUp | Triangle. |
LineCircle | Circle with horizontal axis. |
LineRectangle | Square with horizontal line. |
LineRhombus | Diamond with horizontal line. |
LineTriangleDown | Downward triangle with horizontal line. |
LineTriangleUp | Triangle with horizontal line. |
LineTriangleLeft | Triangle rotated to the left, with horizontal line. |
LineTriangleRight | Triangle, rotate to the right, with horizontal line. |
Line | Horizontal line. |
Custom | Special shape. |
See also: