Working with Bubble Chart > Classes > ChartSerie > ChartSerie Constructor
PP.Ui.ChartSerie (settings);
settings. JSON object that contains values of component properties.
The ChartSerie constructor creates an instance of the ChartSerie class.
To execute this example, the HTML page must contain the BubbleChart component named bubbleChart (see Example of Creating the BubbleChart Component). Create a new data series and display it in the bubble chart:
// Get data series of data source var series = bubbleChart.getDataSources().ds0.getSeries(); // Determine data for a new series var newSerie = { DimX: new PP.TimeAxis({ Items: ["150000", "180000", "220000", "250000", "280000", "320000", "NULL"] }), DimY: new PP.TimeAxis({ Items: ["30", "60", "80", "110", "100", "90", "80"] }), DimR: new PP.TimeAxis({ Items: ["55000", "46000", "36000", "26000", "16000", "260000", "36000"] }), DimCol: new PP.TimeAxis({ Items: ["6000", "7000", "8000", "10000", "13000", "15000", "16000"] }) }; series["Serie28_Point0"] = newSerie; // Determine symbol for bubble chart bubbles var symbol = new PP.Ui.ChartSymbol({ Chart: bubbleChart, // Use triangle as a symbol MarkerShape: PP.Ui.IntervalsLegendMarkerShape.TriangleUp, Thickness: 3 // Border width }); // Create a new series var serie = new PP.Ui.ChartSerie({ Chart: bubbleChart, Index: 0, // Series index Label: new PP.Ui.ChartSVGLabel({ // Series text Text: newSerie.DimY.getItem(0).toString() }), Points: [new PP.Ui.ChartSeriePoint({ // Determine points for created series Id: "Serie28_Point0", Opacity: 1, // Make points opaque Value: "Series point", History: new PP.Ui.ChartHistory({ Chart: bubbleChart, // bubble chart }), Symbol: symbol, Chart: bubbleChart })], Symbol: symbol, //Title: "New series", // Series title }); // Add a new series to bubble chart array of series bubbleChart.getSeries().push(serie); // Display tooltip var point = serie.getPoints()[0]; // Set timeline step bubbleChart.setTimelineStep(3); // Draw created series serie.draw(); point.draw(); point.setIsHistoryOn(true); point.renderFrame(bubbleChart.getChartArea().getPaper()); // Align history labels to the right serie.getHistory().setIsRTL(false); // Display label for the first series point serie.getLabel().setPosition(190, 210); serie.getLabel().draw(null, bubbleChart.getChartArea().getPaper());
After executing the example a new series is created and displayed in the bubble chart. New data sets were predefined to plot this series.
A triangle symbol with a border three pixels wide is set for series bubble:
See also: