Working with Dashboard > Kap > Classes > Dashboard > Dashboard.getNavBar
The getNavBar method returns side panel parameters for dashboard block.
The method returns object of the PP.Ui.NavigationBar class.
To execute the example, make sure that the repository contains a dashboard with the 88665 key.
Create an HTML page with example of placing the KapBox component and execute the following operations:
Open the dashboard with the 88665 key:
Select the Document > Open main menu item
Execute the following in the console:{
Key: 88665
Select dashboard block and execute the following in the console:
var navBarCheckBox = new PP.Ui.CheckBox({
ParentNode: "checkBox",
Content: "Side panel parameters",
CheckedChanged: function () {
var slidePanelCheckBox = new PP.Ui.CheckBox({
ParentNode: "checkBox",
Content: "Side panel",
CheckedChanged: function () {
var ribbonCheckBox = new PP.Ui.CheckBox({
ParentNode: "checkBox",
Content: "Ribbon",
CheckedChanged: function () {
After executing the example, the Side Panel Parameters, Side Panel and Ribbon checkboxes are added, which, if selected or deselected, will display or hide corresponding dashboard components.
See also: