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Creating a Web Application

Creating a Web Application

To create a web application frame by means of DHTML components:

  1. Create a web application (.NET Framework 4.5.2).

  2. Create the Config folder in the root folder of the created application and add the PP.xml file with web application basic settings to the folder:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <service url="http://Server[:Port][/VirtualCatalog]/axis2/services/PP.SOM.Som" />
    <metabase id="Repository" ping="120000" />


  1. Copy files from the folders with installed web application located at S\Foresight Analytics Platform 9.2 Web Application, where S - path to the folder with installed web application back end.

The table displays required folders with files for the created application:

Folders Description
Bin Copy only the PP.dll library.
Build Copy the entire folder. The folder contains CSS styles of components, JS files and images in the img. nested folder.

NOTE. When a DHTML component is placed, the path to the folder with images is set in the designer using the ImagePath property or for the entire application using the PP.ImagePath static property. The property use is given on the Example of the ReportBox Component Layout page.

Resources Copy the entire folder. The folder contains resources used for translation of DHTML components into different languages.

IMPORTANT. The use of code of Foresight Analytics Platform in published applications is allowed only in the compiled or obfuscated form. The use of code without obfuscation may lead to opening of software source codes that contain production secrets and are a protected intellectual property of the company.

  1. Replace the Web.config file located in the root folder of the created application with the Web.config file located in the folder with the installed Foresight Analytics Platform 9.2 Web Application, or specify the following settings in the Web.config file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <globalization culture="auto" uiCulture="auto" responseEncoding="utf-8" responseHeaderEncoding="utf-8"/>
            <add verb="GET,POST" path="PPService.axd" type="PP.ServiceHandler, PP"/>
            <add name="PPModule" type="PP.PPModule, PP"/>
        <compilation debug="true"/>
        <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="102400"/>
        <directoryBrowse enabled="true"/>
            <add preCondition="integratedMode" name="ppService" verb="GET,POST" path="PPService.axd" type="PP.ServiceHandler, PP"/>
            <add name="PPModule" type="PP.PPModule, PP"/>
        <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>
        <httpErrors errorMode="Detailed" />
            <mimeMap fileExtension=".trsp" mimeType="application/x-trsp"/>
            <add address="*" maxconnection="100"/>

See also:

DHTML Components | DHTML Components Layout | Class Library