Dal > Dal Assembly Interfaces > IDalConnection2 > IDalConnection2.Clone
Clone(Type: DalConnectionType): IDalConnection;
Clone(Type: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dal.DalConnectionType): Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dal.IDalConnection;
Type. Connection type.
The Clone method creates a specialized copy of the connection.
To connect the example, connect the Metabase and Dal system assemblies to the module.
Sub UserProc;
Driver: IDalDriver;
SchemeName: string;
Connect: IDalConnection;
CloneConnect: IDalConnection;
Connect2: IDalConnection2;
ConnectDesc: IDalConnectionDescriptor;
ConnectDesc2: IDalConnectionDescriptor2;
Params: IDalConnectionDescriptorParams;
driver := New DalOrcl8Driver.Create;
SchemeName := "Schema";
ConnectDesc := Driver.CreateDescriptor;
Params := ConnectDesc.Params;
Params.Find("User Name").Value := "PPRepository";
Params.Find("Password").Value := "PPRepository";
Params.Find("Host BSTR").Value := "TestServer";
Params.Find(SchemeName).Value := "PPRepository";
Connect := ConnectDesc.CreateConnection As IDalConnection;
ConnectDesc2 := ConnectDesc As IDalConnectiondescriptor2;
Connect2 := Connect As IDalConnection2;
CloneConnect := Connect2.Clone(DalConnectionType.FastInsert);
End Sub UserProc;
On executing the example the connection is established to the specified repository. After that the connection copy is created, which is used to quickly insert data.
To execute the example, add a link to the Dal system assembly.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dal;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Metabase;
Public Shared Sub Main(Params: StartParams);
Driver: IDalDriver;
SchemeName: string;
Connect: IDalConnection;
CloneConnect: IDalConnection;
Connect2: IDalConnection2;
ConnectDesc: IDalConnectionDescriptor;
ConnectDesc2: IDalConnectionDescriptor2;
Param: IDalConnectionDescriptorParams;
driver := New DalOrcl8Driver.Create();
SchemeName := "Schema";
ConnectDesc := Driver.CreateDescriptor();
Param := ConnectDesc.Params;
Param.Find("User Name").Value := "PPRepository";
Param.Find("Password").Value := "PPRepository";
Param.Find("Host BSTR").Value := "TestServer";
Param.Find(SchemeName).Value := "PPRepository";
Connect := ConnectDesc.CreateConnection() As IDalConnection;
ConnectDesc2 := ConnectDesc As IDalConnectiondescriptor2;
Connect2 := Connect As IDalConnection2;
CloneConnect := Connect2.Clone(DalConnectionType.dctFastInsert);
End Sub;
On executing the example the connection is established to the specified repository. After that the connection copy is created, which is used to quickly insert data.
See also: