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Dal > Dal Assembly Enumerations > DbDataDomain



The DbDataDomain enumeration contains types of data for storing multibyte information.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. Binary data type. It is used to store unstructured binary data.
1 Memo. Text data type. It is used to store multibyte data determined in the set of database characters or in the national set of characters, if the database uses unicode to represent the data.
2 Raw. Custom data type. It is used to store data with fixed length.
3 RefCur. A cursor containing a set of records. This type cannot be set as a field type, it is used to check type of the fields obtained after executing the SQL query, which returns an arbitrary structure data set.
4 MSec. Date and time up to milliseconds.
5 Tiny. It is used to support BIT data types (logical data) and tinyint (integer data) for Microsoft SQL Server DBMS.

NOTE. Oracle DBMS supports the Text and Binary data types only for Oracle 9.x or later versions.


If the field has the DbDataDomain.RefCur type, value of this field for each record is the cursor. To get it, cast the field value to the IDalCursor type.

See also:

Dal Assembly Enumerations