Dal > Dal Assembly Enumerations > DalSystemDictionary
The DalSystemDictionary enumeration contains types of the cursor obtained as a result of SQL query execution to database.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Brief description |
0 | Tables. The cursor that contains system information about tables stored in the database. |
1 | Views. The cursor that contains system information about views stored in the database. |
2 | Columns. The cursor that contains system information about table fields stored in the database. |
3 | Indexes. The cursor that contains system information about table indexes stored in the database. |
4 | Trigers. The cursor that contains system information about table triggers stored in the database. |
5 | Procedures. The cursor that contains system information about procedures stored in the database. |
6 | FileGroups. The cursor that contains system information about file groups created in the database. |
7 | ForeignKeys. The cursor that contains system information about external keys created for tables. |
8 | ForeignLinks. The cursor that contains system information about connections created between the tables. |
ForeignKeys. The returned cursor contains the following fields:
TABLE_NAME. Table name.
FK_NAME. External key name.
DELETE_RULE. Deletion method (1 - cascade deletion).
COLUMN_NAME. External key field name.
POSITION. Field position in the external key fields list.
RTABLE_NAME. Table name, for which an external key is created.
RCOLUMN_NAME. External table field name.
See also: