Dal > Dal Assembly Enumerations > DalServerMode
The DalServerMode enumeration contains types of DBMS servers, with which connection is established.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Brief description |
0 | Unknown. Description. |
1 | ORCL. Connection by means of Oracle driver. |
2 | MSSQL. Connection by means of Microsoft SQL Server driver. |
3 | MSAccess. Connection by means of Microsoft Access driver. |
4 | VistaDB. Connection by means of VistaDB driver. |
5 | ODBC. Connection by means of ODBC drivers. |
6 | DB2. Connection by means of DB2 drivers. |
7 | Teradata. Connection by means of Teradata driver. |
8 | Postgres. Connection by means of PostgreSQL driver. |
9 | OleDb. Connection by means of OLE DB driver, exact type is not defined. |
10 | AdoDb. Connection by means of ADOdb driver. |
11 | SQLite. Connection by means of SQLite driver. |
12 | Hive. Connection by means of Hive driver. |
13 | Service. Connection by means of analytics platform web service. |
14 | Vertica. Connection by means of HP Vertica driver. |
15 | GenericODBC. Connection to various data sources by means of ODBC drivers installed in Windows. |
See also: