IChart > Chart Assembly Interfaces > IUiChartClass > IUiChartClass.ShowLegendFormatDialog
ShowLegendFormatDialog(Legend: IChartLegend; Parent: IWin32Window);
Legend - chart legend.
Parent - dialog box, for which this dialog box opens modally.
The ShowLegendFormatDialog method opens the Legend Format dialog box.
Executing the example requires a regular report. The active sheet of the report contains a chart with the Chart1 identifier.
Sub LegendFormatDialog;
Wnd: IWin32Window;
Sheet: IPrxSheet;
Chart: IChart;
Wnd := WinApplication.Instance.Windows.ForegroundWindow;
Sheet := PrxReport.ActiveReport.ActiveSheet;
Chart := (Sheet As IPrxTable).TabSheet.Objects.Object("Chart1") As IChart;
UiChartClass.ShowLegendFormatDialog(Chart.Legend, Wnd);
End Sub LegendFormatDialog;
This example is a regular report macro. After executing the macro the Legend Format dialog box opens for the specified chart.
See also: