IChart > Chart Assembly Interfaces > IUiChartCategoryFormatEventArgs > IUiChartCategoryFormatEventArgs.Result
Result: String;
The Result property determines a format of names of category axis points.
This example assumes that there is the UiChart1 object of the UiChart type.
Sub UiChart1OnGetCategoryFormat(Sender: Object; Args: IUiChartCategoryFormatEventArgs);
Args.Result := "dddd dd MMMM yyyy";
End Sub UiChart1OnGetCategoryFormat;
Sub UiChart1OnGetCategoryName(Sender: Object; Args: IUiChartCategoryNameEventArgs);
Args.Result := DateTime.AddDays(CurDay, Args.PointIndex);
End Sub UiChart1OnGetCategoryName;
After executing the example names of points of the category axis are created using the name of the weekday and the date:
See also: