IChart > Chart Assembly Interfaces > IScene3DSeriesClickEventArgs > IScene3DSeriesClickEventArgs.PointsCount
PointsCount(Index: Integer): Integer;
Index - index of the selected scene graphic object.
The PointsCount property returns the number of selected points.
Sub Chart3DBox1OnSeriesDoubleClick(Sender: Object; Args: IScene3DSeriesClickEventArgs);
text := "";
For i := 0 To Args.SeriesCount - 1 Do
For j := 0 To Args.PointsCount(i) - 1 Do
text := text + "SerieName = " + Args.SerieName(i) + " PointName = " + Args.PointName(i, j);
End For;
End For;
End Sub Chart3DBox1OnSeriesDoubleClick;
Double-clicking an object point displays names of selected objects and their points in the form caption.
See also: