IChart > Chart Assembly Interfaces > IScene3DNamedSphereGroups > IScene3DNamedSphereGroups.Item
Item(Index: Integer): IScene3DNamedSphereGroup;
Index - index of a named points group.
The Item property returns the named points group by the specified index.
This example assumes that there is the S object of the IScene3D type.
Sub Chart3D;
s : IScene3D;
SpG : IScene3DNamedSphereGroup;
s.DisplayedObjects.NamedSphereGroups.Count := 1;
s.DisplayedObjects.NamedSphereGroups.Item(0).SphereCount := 3;
SpG := s.DisplayedObjects.NamedSphereGroups.Item(0);
//change points position
SpG.SphereItem(0).ValueX := 0.02;
SpG.SphereItem(0).ValueY := 0.01;
SpG.SphereItem(1).ValueX := 0.01;
SpG.SphereItem(1).ValueY := 0.02;
End Sub Chart3D;
After executing the example the scene displays a group of three points with the 0 index.
See also: