IChart > Chart Assembly Interfaces > IScene3DCoordinateTextStyles > IScene3DCoordinateTextStyles.TextStyleAdditional
TextStyleAdditional: IScene3DTextStyle;
The TextStyleAdditional property determines a style of coordinate labels of the selected sphere (point).
This example assumes that there is the S object of the IScene3D type.
Sub Chart3D;
S : IScene3D;
sphere: IScene3DSphere;
Style : IScene3DCoordinateTextStyles;
s.DisplayedObjects.Spheres.Count := 1;
sphere := s.DisplayedObjects.Spheres.Item(0);
sphere.R := 0.1;
sphere.Color := New GxColor.CreateRGB(255,0,0);
Style := s.DisplayedObjects.CoordinatePlanes.TextStyles;
Style.TextStyleAdditional.Color := New GxColor.CreateARGB(255,0,0,255);
End Sub Chart3D;
Executing the example changes the color of coordinates of the selected point to blue.
See also: