IChart > Chart Assembly Interfaces > IScene3DConvexHulls > IScene3DConvexHulls.Item
Item(Index: Integer): IScene3DConvexHull;
Index - index of a surface, numbering starts with zero.
The Item property returns the IScene3DConvexHull interface implementing properties of a 3D surface, which index is passed as the Index input parameter.
This example assumes that there is the S object of the IScene3D type.
Sub Chart3D;
S : IScene3D;
Hulls : IScene3DConvexHulls;
Hull : IScene3DConvexHull;
Hulls := S.DisplayedObjects.ConvexHulls;
Hulls.Count := 1;
Hull := Hulls.Item(0); // surface index
k := 0.004;
Color := New GxColor.CreateARGB(255, 0,0, 255) ;
For i := 0 To 4 Do
a[0] := Math.Rand*100 - Math.Rand*100;
a[1] := Math.Rand*100 - Math.Rand*100;
a[2] := Math.Rand*100 - Math.Rand*100;
Hull.DataSource.AddPoint("Point" + i.ToString, a, k, Color);
End For;
End Sub Chart3D;
Executing the example creates a 3D surface comprising 5 points.
See also: