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IChart > Chart Assembly Interfaces > IChartSerie


Assembly: Chart;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Chart;


The IChartSerie interface contains properties and methods for defining parameters of the chart data series.

Inheritance Hierarchy





  Property name Brief description
The AltColorSetID property determines an identifier of alternative color palette for a chart series.
The Chart property returns the object of the IChart type, to which this series belongs.
The ColorIsDefault property determines whether standard palette color or custom color is used for a series element.
The CustomPaletteIndex property determines index of data series color in the standard palette.
The DisplayStacked property determines whether a series is stacked depending on its type and binding to the primary or secondary axes.
The ImageMap property returns hypertext string that is used to form an HTML file. This property is used to create series tooltip.
Outdated. The Label property enables the user to work with chart series labels. Use the IChartSeriePoint.Label property.
The LabelCount property returns the number of data series labels.
The MarkerSize property determines a size of data series markers.
The MarkerType property determines a type of data series markers.
The MasterSerieIdx property determines index of the additional series that is an extension of the main series.
The Name property returns series name.
The Selected property determines whether a data series is selected.
The SeriePoint property determines settings of a data series point by the specified index.
The TrendLines property determines trend line parameters.

Properties inherited from IChartSerieBase

  Property name Brief description
The AllowEdit property determines whether series values can be edited directly in a chart.
The AtSecondaryAxis property determines whether an additional axis will be used for a series.
The AutoRotateMarker property determines whether a chart contains the auto rotation of marker for data series.
The Background property determines fill options for a data series.
The BordenPen property determines a border (outline) for a data series on a graph.
The DefaultLabel property determines default data label settings.
The DisplayInLegend property determines whether a series is displayed in the legend.
The DisplayMarkers property determines whether markers are displayed for a data series.
The DisplayShadow property determines whether a shadow will be displayed for a data series.
The EmptyLinePen property determines parameters of a data series line with no data.
The Is3DBorder property determines whether 3D style of series border is used.
The LabelsEnabled property determines whether data series labels are displayed.
The LinePen property determines parameters of a data series graph line.
The Marker property is used to work with chart series markers.
The PieDistanceCoef property determines the distance from the center of a pie chart to the last series segment.
The PropertyInheritance property determines which series settings will be inherited from default series settings.
The SerieType property determines a type of a series for a mixed or a radar chart.
The Shadow property determines parameters of data series shadow.
The StepLineType property determines a stepped series type.
The UseSplineSmoothing property determines whether a data series is smoothed.
The Visible property determines whether a data series is visible.

Properties inherited from IChartAbstractItem

  Property name Brief description
The Chart property returns the object of the IChart type, to which a graph element belongs.
The Contains property checks if the point is included into the object.
The Selected property determines whether a graph component is selected.


  Method name Brief description
The EnableLabel property determines whether data labels are displayed for a data series.

Methods inherited from IChartSerieBase

  Method name Brief description
The ResetInheritance method resets the series setting and sets the default value defined for the series.

See also:

Chart Assembly Interfaces