IChart > Chart Assembly Interfaces > IChartPointNameNode > IChartPointNameNode.Name
Name: String;
This property is read-only.
The Name property returns level name.
This example assumes that there is the UiChart1 object of the UiChart type. Description of the CChartPointNameNode class is given in the IChartPointNameNode interface.
Sub UiChart1OnGetPointNameRoot(Sender: Object; Args: IUiChartPointNameRootEventArgs);
Root, MonthLevel, DayLevel: CChartPointNameNode;
Root := New CChartPointNameNode.Create(Null);
Root.Format := "dd MMMM yyyy";
Root.Name := "Years";
Root.Required := True;
MonthLevel := New CChartPointNameNode.Create(Root);
MonthLevel.Format := Root.Format;
MonthLevel.Name := "Months";
MonthLevel.Required := True;
DayLevel := New CChartPointNameNode.Create(MonthLevel);
DayLevel.Format := Root.Format;
DayLevel.Name := "Days";
DayLevel.Required := True;
Args.Result := Root As IChartPointNameNode;
End Sub UiChart1OnGetPointNameRoot;
Executing the example determines the root element for hierarchy of names of the category axis.
See also: