IChart > Chart Assembly Interfaces > IChartLabel > IChartLabel.Hotspot
Hotspot: IGxPointF;
The Hotspot property determines the position of a data caption, that is it is used to offset a caption along the X and Y axes.
In a pie chart this property determines offsetting the label to or from the chart center and rotation of the label clockwise or counter clockwise.
This example assumes that there is the Serie object of the IChartSerie type.
Sub Hotspot;
Serie : IChartSerie;
Serie.Label(3).Visible := True;
Serie.Label(3).HotSpot := New GxPointF.Create(10,5);
End Sub Hotspot;
After executing the example the fourth data label (label numeration starts from zero) is offset relative to a series by the specified distances along the X and Y axes.
See also: