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IChart > Chart Assembly Interfaces > IChartAxisLevelLine > IChartAxisLevelLine.MinMaxRelatesToSecondaryAxis


Fore Syntax

MinMaxRelatesToSecondaryAxis: Boolean;

Fore.NET Syntax

MinMaxRelatesToSecondaryAxis: boolean;


The MinMaxRelatesToSecondaryAxis property determines whether minimum and maximum values are set relative to secondary axis.


Available values:

To set minimum and maximum values, use the IChartAxisLevelLine.Min and IChartAxisLevelLine.Max properties.

Fore Example

Executing the example requires a form, the Button component with the Button1 identifier on the form, the ChartBox component with the ChartBox1 identifier and the UiErAnalyzer component with the UiErAnalyzer1 identifier, which is used as a data source for the ChartBox1 component. Specify the express report saved on the chart sheet as a data source for the UiErAnalyzer1 component. The chart must contain level lines.

The example is a handler of the OnClick event for the Button1 component.

Add a link to the Drawing system assembly.

Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
    ChartLevel: IChartAxisLevelLine;
    AxisY: IChartAxis;
    AxisY := ChartBox1.Chart.AxisY;
    ChartLevel := AxisY.LevelLines.Item(0);
    ChartLevel.MinMaxRelatesToSecondaryAxis := True;
    ChartLevel.AutoMin := False;
    ChartLevel.Min := 0.125000;
    ChartLevel.AutoMax := False;
    ChartLevel.Max := 0.875000;
    ChartLevel.InterlineColor := GxColor.FromName("Blue");
End Sub Button1OnClick;

After executing the example the chart displays level lines according to the specified parameters:

Fore.NET Example

The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example. Use Fore.NET analogs instead of Fore components.

The example is a handler of the Click event for the button1 component.

Add links to the Drawing, Chart system assemblies.

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Chart;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Drawing;

Private Sub button1_Click(sender: System.Object; e: System.EventArgs);
    ChartLevel: IChartAxisLevelLine;
    AxisY: IChartAxis;
    Gxcolor: GxColorClassClass = New GxColorClassClass();
    AxisY := chartBoxNet1.CtrlBox.Chart.AxisY;
    ChartLevel := AxisY.LevelLines.Item(0);
    ChartLevel.MinMaxRelatesToSecondaryAxis := True;
    ChartLevel.AutoMin := False;
    ChartLevel.Min := 0.125000;
    ChartLevel.AutoMax := False;
    ChartLevel.Max := 0.875000;
    ChartLevel.InterlineColor := GxColor.FromName("Blue");
End Sub;

See also:
