IChart > Chart Assembly Interfaces > IChart > IChart.TickLabelSpacing
TickLabelSpacing: Integer;
The TickLabelSpacing property determines the number of categories between scale tick mark labels.
This property is set to 1 by default, that is, labels are displayed for each scale tick mark. When the property is set to 2, the labels are displayed for each second tick mark, when the property is set to 3, the labels are displayed for each third tick mark, and so on.
NOTE. The TickLabelSpacing property is ignored when labels are manually excluded using IPrxChart.ExcludedPoints.
This example assumes that there is the Chart object of the IChart type.
Sub Tick;
Chart : IChart;
Chart.TickLabelSpacing := 2;
End Sub Tick;
After executing the example the labels are displayed for each second tick mark.
See also: