IChart > Chart Assembly Interfaces > IChart > IChart.MakeBlackAndWhite
The MakeBlackAndWhite method enables the user to display a chart in black and white format.
To execute the example, add links to the Chart, Report and Tab system assemblies. This unit is connected to the regular report, a sheet of which contains only a chart. The ChangeBlackAndWhite procedure is assigned as a handler of a hyperlink click in a report cell.
Sub ChangeBlackAndWhite;
Rep: IPrxReport;
TabS: ITabSheet;
pChart: IPrxChart;
Chart: IChart;
Rep := PrxReport.ActiveReport;
TabS := (Rep.ActiveSheet As IPrxTable).TabSheet;
pChart := TabS.Objects.Item(0).Extension As IPrxChart;
Chart := pChart As IChart;
End Sub ChangeBlackAndWhite;
After clicking the hyperlink executing the ChangeBlackAndWhite procedure the chart is displayed in black and white format.
This example assumes that there is the Chart object of the IChart type. The chart must be a pie chart type with a secondary pie chart or histogram. If required, the chart can be transformed into the required type by executing the command: Chart.Type := 10 As ChartType.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Metabase;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Chart;
Private Sub button1_Click(sender: System.Object; e: System.EventArgs);
Chart : IChart;
Chart := UiChartNet1.ChartUi.Chart;
Chart.CircleInfoEx.ShowMode:= ChartSecondaryShowMode.cssmOnlySecondary;
End Sub;
Clicking the button displays only the secondary chart in black and white format.
See also: