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IChart > Chart Assembly Interfaces > IBubbleChartAxisLinear


Assembly: Chart;

Namespace]: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Chart;


The IBubbleChartAxisLinear interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine parameters of bubble chart axes.

Inheritance Hierarchy





The interface is outdated.

Axes parameters are available in the following properties:


  Property name Brief description
AxisLineColor The AxisLineColor property determines a bubble chart axis color.
Caption The Caption property returns parameters of bubble chart axis caption.
CrossValue The CrossValue property returns the coordinate of the point where the bubble chart axis crosses another axis.
LabelsInfo The LabelsInfo property returns parameters of axis data labels.
TickLineColor The TickLineColor property determines a color of tick marks in the bubble chart axis.
TickLineThickness The TickLineThickness property determines thickness of tick marks in the bubble chart axis.

Properties inherited from IBubbleChartAxis

  Property name Brief description
AutoMinMax The AutoMinMax property determines a method of setting maximum and minimum values of bubble chart metrics.
Max The Max property determines a maximum value of bubble chart metric.
Min The Min property determines a minimum value of bubble chart metric.
ScaleType The ScaleType property determines a method of calculating metric intervals.

Properties inherited from IBubbleChartAbstractItem

  Property name Brief description
The Chart property returns the parent object, which includes the current bubble chart element.

See also:

Chart Assembly Interfaces