IChart > Chart Assembly Enumerations > ChartLabelPropertyInheritance
The ChartLabelPropertyInheritance enumeration is used to determine chart label settings.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Brief description |
-1 |
All. All available chart label settings. |
1 | Background. Chart label background fill. |
2 | AutoPlaced. Automatic placement of chart labels. |
4 |
Pen. Pen of border for chart labels. |
8 | ShowText. Indicates whether label text is displayed on chart. |
16 | Font. Parameters of chart label text font. |
32 | FontColor. Chart label font color. |
64 | HorzHotspotAlignment. Horizontal position of chart labels. |
128 | VertHotspotAlignment. Vertical position of chart labels. |
256 | HotspotOffset. Position of chart labels, that is, label offset along X and Y axes. |
512 | Outdated. NoteLineInfo. Type, NotePen, Cap, CapLength is used. |
1024 | AutoSize. Automatic selection of chart data label size. |
2048 | Visible. Indicates whether labels are displayed on a chart. |
4096 | Shadowed. Parameters of chart label shadow. |
8192 | Text. Text of chart labels. |
16384 | HotspotPosition. Position of chart labels relative to chart bar or sector. |
32768 | CustomFormat. Custom number format for chart labels. |
65536 | IncludeMarkerOffset. Account for and include marker dimensions on chart marker offset. |
131072 | Type. Type of chart labels. |
262144 | NotePen. Callout line pen of chart labels. |
524288 | Cap. Type of chart label line cap. |
1048576 | CapLength. Length of chart label line cap. |
2097152 | DisplayBorder. Indicates whether chart label border is displayed. |
4194304 | Position. Position of chart labels relative to series (bar, sector, line, and so on). |
16777216 | HorzTextAlignment. Horizontal alignment of chart labels. |
See also: