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IChart > Chart Assembly Enumerations > ChartLabelPropertyInheritance



The ChartLabelPropertyInheritance enumeration is used to determine chart label settings.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description


All. All available chart label settings.
1 Background. Chart label background fill.
2 AutoPlaced. Automatic placement of chart labels.


Pen. Pen of border for chart labels.
8 ShowText. Indicates whether label text is displayed on chart.
16 Font. Parameters of chart label text font.
32 FontColor. Chart label font color.
64 HorzHotspotAlignment. Horizontal position of chart labels.
128 VertHotspotAlignment. Vertical position of chart labels.
256 HotspotOffset. Position of chart labels, that is, label offset along X and Y axes.
512 Outdated. NoteLineInfo. Type, NotePen, Cap, CapLength is used.
1024 AutoSize. Automatic selection of chart data label size.
2048 Visible. Indicates whether labels are displayed on a chart.
4096 Shadowed. Parameters of chart label shadow.
8192 Text. Text of chart labels.
16384 HotspotPosition. Position of chart labels relative to chart bar or sector.
32768 CustomFormat. Custom number format for chart labels.
65536 IncludeMarkerOffset. Account for and include marker dimensions on chart marker offset.
131072 Type. Type of chart labels.
262144 NotePen. Callout line pen of chart labels.
524288 Cap. Type of chart label line cap.
1048576 CapLength. Length of chart label line cap.
2097152 DisplayBorder. Indicates whether chart label border is displayed.
4194304 Position. Position of chart labels relative to series (bar, sector, line, and so on).
16777216 HorzTextAlignment. Horizontal alignment of chart labels.

See also:

Chart Assembly Enumerations