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IChart > Chart Assembly Classes

Chart Assembly Classes

  Classes Brief description
The Chart3D class is a 3D scene that is displayed in the Chart3DBox component.
The Chart3DBox class implements properties and events of the Chart3DBox component that is used to display 3D scenes.
The Chart3DSerieClickArg class returns description of graphic objects, for which the OnSeriesClick event has occurred (double-click on a scene series in the regular report), that is generated by the IPrxScene3D.DoSerieClick method.
The Chart3DSeriesClickEventArgs class returns description of graphic objects for which the OnSeriesDoubleClick event has occurred (double-click on a scene series on the form).
The ChartBox class implements properties and events of the ChartBox component that is used to display charts.
The ChartExporter class implements the object used for chart export.
The ChartExternLegend class implements properties and methods that are used to determine parameters of chart external legend.
The ChartSerieClickEventArgs class returns index of the point and the series, for which the OnSerieClick event has occurred (click on a chart series).
The ChartWidget class is used to set up the ChartWidget component.
The DxChart class implements the chart.
The ITrellisChart class is used to set up a Trellis chart.
The UiChart class contains properties, methods and events that are used to determine graph appearance.
The UiChartCategoryFormatEventArgs class is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetCategoryFormat event (creating formats of points names for category axis).
The UiChartCategoryNameEventArgs class is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetCategoryName event (creating point names for category axis).
The UiChartClass class implements static methods that are used to call standard chart setup dialog boxes.
The UiChartGatDataValueEventArgs class is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetDataValue event (plotting a chart).
The UiChartGetTextEventArgs class is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetLabelText event.
The UiChartGroupCountEventArgs class implements parameters of the UiChart.OnGetGroupCount event.
The UiChartGroupNameEventArgs class implements parameters of the UiChart.OnGetGroupName event.
The UiChartParentSerieIndexEventArgs class implements parameters of the UiChart.OnGetParentSerieIndex event.
The UiChartPointNameEventArgs class is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetPointName event.
The UiChartPointNameRootEventArgs class is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetPointNameRoot event (determining a root element for hierarchy of category axis names).
The UiChartRelativeSerieEnabledEventArgs class implements parameters of the UiChart.OnGetRelativeSerieEnabled event.
The UiChartSerieGroupIndexEventArgs class implements parameters of the UiChart.OnGetSerieGroupIndex event.
The UiChartSerieGroupNameEventArgs class implements parameters of the UiChart.OnGetSerieGroupName event.
The UiChartSerieNameEventArgs class is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnGetSerieName event.
The UiChartSetDataValueEventArgs class is used to work with parameters of the UiChart.OnSetDataValue event (changing value of a graph point).

See also:

Chart Assembly Interfaces | Chart Assembly Enumerations | Examples