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Automatization of Practices and Algorithms > Building Calculation Algorithm > Adding and Setting Up Parameters > Adding Parameters

Adding Parameters

Algorithm parameters enable the user to dynamically control linked block calculation and algorithm calculation period.

Calculation algorithm parameters can be added on the Parameters tab in the Calculation Algorithm Parameters dialog box. To set parameter values that will be used on algorithm calculation, use the parameters panel. The order of parameters display on this panel matches with the order of parameters on the Parameters tab:

Add a parameter

Edit parameter

Change parameters order

Delete parameter

Setting Up Parameter

A parameter can be set up in the Object Parameter Properties dialog box:


NOTE. Parameter type can be changed only on creating a parameter.

NOTE. After selecting the cube the Dictionary drop-down list will contain only the dictionaries included in the selected cube.

If the dictionary is not displayed in the controlling dimensions list but is included in the cube, dictionary selection or alternative hierarchy is used as parameters values. This dictionary can be selected in the Dictionary drop-down list without specifying the cube in the Source drop-down list.

If the dictionary is displayed in the controlling dimensions list and is a controlled or controlling or controlled and controlling at the same time, add all controlling cube dimensions as calculation algorithm parameters and set selection by the controlling dimension to display dictionary elements selection in the parameter.

See also:

Adding and Setting Up Parameters