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Automatization of Practices and Algorithms > Building Calculation Algorithm > Inserting and Setting Up Linear Optimization Blocks > Entering Initial Values of Controlling Variables

Entering Initial Values of Controlling Variables

Initial values of controlling variables are values, from which a linear optimization block calculation is started. Initial values are entered if they are specified in the problem statement.

By default, initial values of controlling variables are determined automatically. To manually set values, use the Variables page in the linear optimization block editing wizard:

To manually enter initial values of controlling variables:

  1. Select the Specify Manually Initial Values of Variables checkbox.

  2. Select a data source to store initial values. This data source must contain all dimensions of controlling variables selected on criterion function setup. To create a data source with required structure, click the Create button.

  3. Set selection by fixed dimensions of data source. If a custom data source is selected, the fixed dimensions contain all data source dimensions except for those used as dimensions of controlling variables. If the data source is used that is created in the linear optimization block editing wizard, only the Facts dimension is fixed with the only Value element selected by default.

  4. Specify initial values of controlling variables. To do this:

    1. Click the Open Source button. The data source is opened in the Analytical Queries (OLAP) tool. A data table is created as follows: rows contain all dimensions of controlling variables with the selection specified on criterion function setupl column contain no dimensions; fixed dimensions and their selection are the same as those specified at step 3.

    2. Enter initial values of controlling variables to the table.

    3. Go to the Data ribbon tab and click the Save Changes button. It is requested to confirm the operation.

    4. Close the Analytical Queries (OLAP) tool. It is prompted to save the report. Click the Cancel button.

If it is required to specify initial values of controlling variables for other values of fixed dimensions, change their selection and repeat this step.

As a result, initial values of controlling variables are specified.

To return to automatic setup of initial values, deselect the Specify Manually Initial Values of Variables checkbox.

To view the criterion function, click the Show Function External View button.

See also:

Inserting and Setting Up Linear Optimization Blocks