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Administration and Access Control > Setting Up System Security Policy > Creating User Accounts and Working with Them > Connecting Domain User

Connecting Domain User

Foresight Analytics Platform uses information from domain directory service or global directory for working with domain security subjects.

To connect a domain user in the Users section:

NOTE. When roles of information security administrator and application administrator are separated, only the application administrator can create domain users.

After executing one of the operations a domain user selection dialog box opens:

For details about how to work with dialogs of domain user selection, go to the Selecting Users and Groups section.

NOTE. On selecting domain user, the Subject Type and Arrangement radio buttons are not available in dialog boxes.

After the required users are determined, click the OK button, after which a dialog box of account creation opens:

NOTE. The Create Accounts dialog box is not displayed for the users who have already been created in the repository.

Add user shortname

Create a user on DB server

Grant permissions at DBMS level

On selecting the Apply in All Similar Cases checkbox, for all domain users to be added to platform repository, the selected actions will be applied without any additional requests.

NOTE. Domain users are also added to the user list if they have been added to a group or to a privilege holders list.

Features of Connecting Domain Users for Different DBMS

On working with PostgreSQL DBMS to add a domain user set the LDAP/SSPI or GSS API authentication type.

See also:

Creating User Accounts and Working with Them | Creating and Editing User Account | Creating a Service User