Administration and Access Control > Setting Up System Security Policy > Creating User Accounts and Working with Them > User Update
To apply changed user access permissions, run the update. For example, user was added to the group of users. After user update, access permissions of group of users will be applied to this user.
NOTE. Access permissions update of user or all users is executed simultaneously at the DBMS level and available only in the desktop application.
To update a user, go to the Users section:
Select the User > Update or User > Update All item in the main menu to update all users.
Select the Update item in the context menu of selected user.
The system may also require credentials of the user, who has administrator permissions at database server, and credentials required to distribute permissions for repository objects.
NOTE. When roles of information security administrator and application administrator are separated, only application administrator or both administrators have the authority to update users, depending on the parameters selected during the mode activation.
If the critical error appears on updating two or more users, the notification window appears:
Select error solution:
Ignore All Similar Errors. The checkbox is deselected by default, and every similar error is displayed in the notification window on continuing the update. On selecting the checkbox and continuing the update similar errors are not displayed in the notification window.
Continue. User update is continued.
Cancel. User update is aborted.
Details. Error details are shown.
If errors occurred during the update, the Update Errors dialog box containing the list of all errors occurred during the update opens:
If required, save the file with errors locally using the Save to File button.
User update mechanism on using the Use Roles with Create, Drop and Alter User Permissions checkbox
See also: