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Administration and Access Control > Setting Up System Security Policy > Creating User Accounts and Working with Them > Changing User Password

Changing User Password

To change password of the selected user, select the Change Password context menu item in the Users section.

NOTE. The command is available only in the desktop application and is not available for a domain user.

Enter a new password and confirm it in the Changing Password dialog box. A password may begin with a number, letter and the "_" character, and may contain Latin letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers 0-9 and characters "_@#$&*%^". It must correspond to the selected password policy. An appropriate information message appears if the password is successfully changed.

A use password can be also changed on the General Properties tab.

NOTE. When administrator roles are separated, only information security administrator can change user password, in this case the User must Change Password at Next Login checkbox can be automatically selected.

The password change dialog box opens at the connection to the repository in the following cases:

In this case the dialog box states the reason of opening password change dialog box, for example, "ADMIN user initiated change of your password".

See also:

Creating User Accounts and Working with Them | Working with Users' Personal Folders