Administration and Access Control > Setting Up System Security Policy > Creating Groups of Users and Working with Them > Deleting Group of Users
To delete selected groups of users in the Groups section:
In the desktop application:
Select the Delete item in the object's context menu
Select the Group > Delete main menu item.
In the web application:
Click the Delete button on toolbar.
NOTE. To delete a group of users, the user must hold the Changing User Permissions, Distributing Roles, Changing Policy privilege. When the role separation mode is active and if the Deny Deleting Groups with Permissions to Access the Repository Objects checkbox is selected on the Access Control tab, the ISA cannot delete groups with access permissions for repository objects.
After executing one of the operations a confirmation dialog opens.
NOTE. Built-in groups of users: administrators and Users cannot be deleted.
See also:
Creating Groups of Users and Working with Them | Viewing User and Group Objects