Setting Up Validation Rule > Components Deviations Analysis
The rule compares deviations between the output series and the source series that were the basis for getting the output series.
NOTE. This validation rule is available if the data source is a time series database.
There is the T output series that was calculated by the formula with dependencies, for example, T = Tx + Ty, where Tx and Ty are source series that were the basis for getting the output series. If data is changed in any of the source series (for example, Tx), the output series is changed and it will be equal to T' = T'x +Ty. The operation type recalculates the formula and identifies changes between calculated values and saved values of the T output series, that is it compares T and T'.
NOTE. The formula is calculated in the frame of modeling problem. To save dependencies, it is required to calculate the task with the MsCalculationHistorySet.Dependencies option.
To set up the rule:
Set general parameters of the rule.
Determine frequency of time series value change. Use the Changes Type parameter group:
Determine how observation values changed:
Value is changed.
Value is increased.
Value is decreased.
Add value.
Remove value.
Value is not changed.
Determine parameters of comparison. Use operator and operands for comparison. The number of available operands depends on the selected operator. Available operators:
All values in the range.
All values out of the range.
Greater or equal.
Less or equal.
Not equal.
Set scale for operands in comparison condition:
Number. Absolute scale.
Percent. Percent scale.
See also: