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Setting Up Dimensions and Element Selection > Setting Up Dimension View

Setting Up Dimension View

It is available to set up the appearance of each dimension displayed in the Selection group of tabs on the side panel and in the report working area by:

Displaying Group of Elements

Group of Elements is a repository object, which is used in dictionaries to limit a list of available elements.

To display a group of elements:

  1. Go to the dimension tab on the side panel.

  2. Select a group of elements in the drop-down menu of:

To show all dimension elements, select the Reset item.

When working with dimension elements, it is available to create a group by selected elements.

NOTE. If a calculated element is in the dimension, alternative or custom hierarchy is set, a group of elements cannot be created.

Using Alternative Hierarchy

Alternative hierarchy is a hierarchy of any other dictionary linked with the hierarchy of the main dictionary for element mapping or a custom hierarchy created on editing dimensions or adding a new calculated element.

When alternative hierarchy is used, dimension displays elements of alternative dictionary mapped by element indexes.

To use alternative hierarchy:

  1. Go to the dimension tab on the side panel.

  2. Select the alternative hierarchy in the drop-down menu of:

NOTE. The item is available if alternative hierarchy was created for the current dimension.

To show main dimension hierarchy, select the Reset item.

Sorting Elements

To sort dimension elements displayed on the dimensions tabs in the Selection group on the side panel, select sorting method in the drop-down list:

Available sorting methods:

The order of dimension elements is applied only to hierarchy of the dimension displayed on the side panel and is not saved with the report.

IMPORTANT. The order of dimension elements in the table is not synchronized with the order of dimensions on the side panel. For detailed description of dimension element order setup see the Sorting section.

To show dimension elements with default sorting, select the Reset item.

Combining Dimensions

Combination of dimensions enables the user to combine several dimensions into one and display its elements as a time series tree.

To combine dimensions, click the Combine button on the Hierarchy ribbon tab.

NOTE. Combination of dimensions is available only in the Dashboards and the Analytical Queries (OLAP) tools.

See also:

Setting Up Dimensions and Element Selection