Building Report for Printing > Building Report > Using Table Sheet > Selecting Data Sources and Working with Them
Regular report can manage one or many data sources.
Working with data sources differs depending on the used table type:
Table visualizer. Side panel is used for work.
Data area. Outdated data table type. The Data Sources and Data Slices panel is used for work.
NOTE. The Data Sources and Data Slices panel is outdated and is used for compatibility with previous versions of Prognoz Platform programming language.
The Data Sources and Data Slices panel
The following elements can be used as data sources:
All cube types, including child cubes of modeling container.
Data sets. They are used to create a relational data area.
To display the required data, set up data source dimensions layout on the Data Source Structure tab of the Parameters dialog box.
To add a data source:
Drag and drop the data source selected on the Repository Objects panel to the Sources tab of the Document group of tabs on the side panel or to report sheet.
Select the Add Source item:
In the menu of the Sources tab of the Document group of tabs on the side panel.
In the context menu of empty area on the Source tab of the Document group of tabs on the side panel.
On the Sources ribbon tab.
A standard dialog box for selecting repository objects opens. Select the required data source. By default, the All Available Objects filter is defined for the list of repository objects, and multiple selection is enabled for the list
Use the Get Data group on the Data ribbon tab. Select the source type: From Repository or From File. After the source type is selected, the standard file selection dialog box opens.
The added data source will be displayed on the side panel and on the Data Sources and Data Slices panel.
To open the added data source for edit, select data source and select the Edit item in the source's context menu.
NOTE. Editing of data source can be disabled by means of the built-in Fore programming language.
See also: