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Building Report for Printing > Building Report > Using Table Sheet > Data Visualization > Data Visualization as Tables > Data Area > Data Area Properties > Setting Up Data Area Formatting

Setting Up Data Area Formatting

To determine formatting parameters for data area cells, slice dimensions and levels, go to the Formatting tab of the Data Area Properties dialog box.

TIP. Cell formatting can also be set up by means of commands in the drop-down menu of the Cell Styles button in the Table Style group on the Home tab. The setup is similar to formatting setup for table visualizer.

To set up formatting of slice dimension levels, make sure that the dictionary, where the cube that is the source for data area is set up, contains the levels:

The Formatting tab is used to determine general formatting parameters of the data area: format of table corner, column headers (heading), row headers (sidehead), data, and changed data. These are default settings that can be redetermined for any level of any data area dimension.

NOTE. Formatting parameters of the cells linked to dimensions, have a higher priority. Thus, they may override general formatting parameters of the area that contains these cells (rows or columns).

After going to the tab the dialog box looks as follows:

Determine formatting for the following table parts on this tab:

Table corner

Column headers

Row headers

NOTE. If a number of dimensions are added to the rows or columns, the formatting is set up for an entire header.

Data and modified data

Table style

Use existing sheet formatting

To set up dimension-determined formatting, see the Setting Up Dimension-Dependent Formatting article.

See also:

Data Area Properties