Working with MDM Dictionaries > Setting Up Dictionary Structure > Basic Dictionary Settings
To select basic dictionary settings, go to the Description tab.
Determine the following settings:
Enter dictionary name.
Enter dictionary identifier.
The identifier must precisely identify MDM dictionary in MDM repository. English letters, numbers and symbols can be used. An identifier must start with a letter.
To set up dictionary version control, select the Elements can Change in Time checkbox.
After the checkbox is selected, the Dictionary Elements tab will contain the Actuality Date parameter, the list of system attributes will contain attributes that enable element version control. Such dictionary is named a version one.
After the checkbox is selected, the following options also become available:
Consider Time in Elements' Actual Periods. Selecting the checkbox enables the user to change the type of system attributes INDATE and OUTDATE from Date (the date is represented without time) to DateTime (with time), which affects only the element date type.
Generate Elements' Actual Periods Manually. Selecting the checkbox enables the user to manually set date ranges for version dictionary elements on the Dictionary Elements tab. Otherwise the range is automatically formed as follows: start date is set to the validity date, and end date is set to 31.12.2999.
The checkbox is selected by default.
When the checkbox is selected, the Owner attribute will be created automatically.
When the Elements Have Hierarchy checkbox is deselected, the dictionary becomes one-level, that is, a dictionary element cannot have child elements. On an attempt to deselect the checkbox for a dictionary that has at least one child element, a system message informs that this operation is not allowed.
Translate dictionary into other languages
The checkbox is deselected by default.
Select the Translate Dictionary into Other Languages checkbox to create a multilingual MDM dictionary. It stores names of all attributes and values of string attributes both for the current language and for the languages, into which the dictionary is supposed to be used.
After the checkbox is selected, the Translations tab is displayed.
NOTE. Translation of dictionary attributes and elements is available if default language is set for the repository. The default repository language can be selected once: on creating a repository or later in repository settings.
For details about setting up multilingual options of repository contents and system in general, see the Setting Up Multilingual Options section.
The checkbox is deselected by default. The checkbox is available to edit only for outdated MDM dictionary types: MDM dictionaries and composite MDM dictionaries.
GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) is the statistically unique 128 bit identifier. Its main feature is the uniqueness that enables the user to create expandable tools and applications without being afraid of conflicts arising due to duplicate identifiers. Although it is not guaranteed that each GUID is unique, the total number of unique keys is so large (2128) that the probability of the same key being generated randomly twice is extremely small.
When the checkbox is selected, another system attribute, Unique Identifier of the string type, is added to the attributes list. This attribute receives a value automatically when elements are added to the dictionary. When this checkbox is selected for a dictionary that already contains elements, the attribute also receives a value automatically.
Elements have discretionary access permissions
To separate discretionary access permissions for MDM dictionary elements:
Make sure that the Use Discretionary Access Control checkbox is selected in the Policies Editor section of the security manager.
Select the Elements have Discretionary Access Permissions checkbox in the dictionary general settings.
When the checkbox is selected, other four mandatory attributes are added to the attributes list of the dictionary that enables the user to set up access permissions for dictionary elements.
The list of access subjects is created on the Access Subjects tab.
NOTE. If the roles of the information security administrator and the application administrator are separated, after selecting the Elements have Discretionary Access Permissions checkbox and saving the dictionary, the checkbox can be deselected only in the security manager. This checkbox can be selected only by the application administrator or the user who has appropriate permissions.
If the policies editor uses discretionary and attribute-based access control methods at the same time, after the checkbox is selected, the Elements have Attribute-Based Access Permissions checkbox becomes available to apply policies and rules of configured attribute-based access control method for each element of table MDM dictionary.
Elements have mandatory access permissions
To separate mandatory access permissions for MDM dictionary elements:
Make sure that the Use Mandatory Access Control checkbox is selected in the Policies Editor section of the security manager.
Select the Elements have Mandatory Access Permissions checkbox in the dictionary general settings.
After the checkbox is selected, mandatory access control can be set up for each MDM dictionary element in the Access Permissions dialog box.
Elements have attribute-based access permissions
To separate attribute-based access permissions for MDM dictionary elements:
Make sure that the Use Discretionary Access Control and Use Attribute-Based Access Control checkboxes are selected in the Policies Editor section of the security manager.
Select the Elements have Discretionary Access Permissions checkbox in the dictionary general settings and then select the Elements have Attribute-Based Access Permissions checkbox.
After the checkbox is selected, other four mandatory attributes are added to the attributes list of the dictionary that enables the user to set up discretionary access permissions for dictionary elements. Each dictionary will also use policies and rules of configured attribute-based access control method.
NOTE. When attribute-based access control method is used, access permissions for MDM dictionary elements are set up only together with the use of discretionary access control method.
Elements have hidden attribute
The checkbox is deselected by default.
When the checkbox is selected, the Hide attribute of the logical type is added to the list of system attributes. By default, this attribute is FALSE for dictionary elements. If the value is TRUE, the element is hidden in the dictionary element tree.
To display all hidden elements, deselect the checkbox.
Track links to the elements from other objects
Tracking other objects that reference elements of MDM dictionary helps sustain integrity of these objects and prevent possible deletion of elements used in these objects. For example, a table MDM dictionary element is used in regular report data area selection. An attempt to delete such an element brings up a warning message that this element is in use and its deletion may violate other objects' integrity.
The list of objects referring to table MDM dictionary elements can be viewed in properties of this dictionary. For details see the Object Properties section.
Allow duplicate entries from dictionary sources
The checkbox is selected by default.
NOTE. The checkbox can be selected only for a composite table MDM dictionary.
When the checkbox is deselected, the user cannot add identical elements from sources to the composite dictionary.
See also:
Working with MDM Dictionaries | Working with Dictionary Elements