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Working with MDM Dictionaries > Working with Dictionary Elements > Deleting Dictionary Elements

Deleting Dictionary Elements

Deleting Selected Dictionary Element

To delete the selected dictionary element:

After selecting the item the confirmation of deleting all elements of the selected dictionary element will be required.

NOTE. Parent elements are deleted together with child elements.

Deleting All Dictionary Elements

To delete all dictionary elements:

After selecting the operation the confirmation of deleting all elements of the MDM dictionary will be required.

An information message is displayed after the dictionary is cleared.

If an error occurred during dictionary clearing, the following information message is displayed: An error occurred while deleting element <Element_Name>. Click the Details button to show the text of error. To skip deleting of the current element, click the Skip button. To skip deleting of the current element and all further elements, deleting of which may cause such errors, click the Skip All button.

Features of MDM Dictionary Clearing

On clearing an MDM dictionary the dialog box, the contents of which depends on MDM dictionary type and set parameters, opens. The dialog box may contain the following checkboxes:

NOTE. In the web application the clearing of non-parametric and parametric MDM dictionaries is similar. The dialog box contains the Define Parameter Values checkbox. The list of parameters displays actuality date.

On clearing of a dictionary with configured forming of elements actual period a confirmation about clearing of the dictionary is required.

See also:

Working with Dictionary Elements