Data Connection and Preparation > Structuring Data Sets > Creating Multidimensional Data Structures > Cube > Working with Cubes > Data Aggregation
Aggregation is used to merge several values in a single element. For example, for calculation of parent element based on selected child elements or for calculation of element data based on several fields.
Data is merged by means of various mathematical functions, for example, the sum or arithmetical mean of all aggregated values.
Foresight Analytics Platform provides the following types of aggregation:
To set up calculations by edited data without pre-saving of data to source,Setting Up Formula Calculation is used.
It enables the user to merge data source fields that are not linked to cube dimensions. Aggregation result is passed to cube fact dimension.
Depending on the calculation location, the aggregation is divided into two types:
Server aggregation. This aggregation type is executed by DBMS server. Server aggregation enables the user to work with large volumes of information. Use this type of aggregation when system resources are not sufficient to minimize time consumption.
Client-based aggregation. This aggregation type is executed using Foresight Analytics Platform in the client workstation after extracting all data from the server.
The At Client Checkbox is selected by default.
Use the Facts Binding page of the standard cube creation wizard to set up aggregation.
NOTE. If cube fact dimension aggregation is set, it is not available to use calculated expressions in linked cube facts.
It enables the user to merge data of dimension elements by levels. Result of aggregation of child elements is passed to parent element.
Aggregation is executed in the cube opened in the client workstation.
Aggregation is set up for a separate cube display variant on the Aggregation page of standard or automatic cube creation wizard.
NOTE. If cube with aggregation by dimension levels is displayed, on setting up totals the From Source calculation method is available in the table visualizer.
It enables the user to merge data of dimension elements by alternative hierarchy levels. Result of aggregation of child elements is passed to parent element.
Aggregation is executed in the cube opened in the client workstation.
Aggregation is set up for a separate cube display variant on the Aggregation page of standard or automatic cube creation wizard.
It enables the user to merge data of all elements selected in fixed dimensions. Aggregation result is passed to a tool visualizer. The aggregation method on dimensions is available for each dimension metric with the Metric role.
The aggregation method is set manually in report or is sent from cube:
If cube facts dimension is set as metric dimension in report, aggregation type of fixed dimensions for metric is sent from cube depending on the selected dimension element. When the selected element is changed in dimension, aggregation type is taken from cube till the moment when aggregation type is changed manually in report.
If aggregation method is not determined in cube facts dimension, the Sum aggregation method is set by default in the report.
In case of multiple selection by the Value metric, the aggregation type of the first cube element is applied.
See also: