Reference > Creating Formulas and Expressions > Inserting Functions and Operators > Functions Available in Expression Editor > Attribute-Based Access Control > Interseca
Interseca(Value1: Variant, Value2: Variant)
Value1. The first compared attribute.
Value2. The second compared attribute.
The following is set as argument:
SUBJECT.<attribute identifier>. Value or array of values of custom subject attribute.
OBJECT.<attribute identifier>. Value or array of values of custom object attribute.
IMPORTANT. The array of values should be contained at least in one of the specified arguments.
For details see the Creating Custom Attributes section.
It searches for common values in compared arguments and returns the value:
True. Common values of compared arguments are found.
False. Common values of compared arguments are not found.
Formula | Result |
= Interseca(OJBECT.ATTR_1, SUBJECT.ATTR_2) | The function returns True if the array of object custom attribute values with the ATTR_1 identifier and the array of object custom attribute values with the ATTR_2 identifier contain at least one matching group name, otherwise it returns False. |
See also:
Functions Available in Expression Editor | Attribute-Based Access Control | IABACUtils.Interseca