Reference > Working in Object Navigator > Viewing and Editing Object Properties > Attributes
Attributes are set for the user on selecting attribute-based access control method for further checking of user access to an object in the structure of attribute-based access control policy.
The Attributes tab enables the user to view and edit values of object attributes that are added for object classes and object types:
NOTE. In case of role separation the Attributes tab will be available only to information security administrator with the privilege Changing User Permissions, Distributing Roles, Changing Policy; Changing Security Label and Access Control List of Any Object.
The table displays a list of all object attributes.
NOTE. Name, identifier and data type are determined on adding attributes for object classes and object types.
Attribute value can be edited or added to the tab:
On clicking the Value field. The unique attribute value is set.
On selecting the checkbox in the Multiple column. Several attribute values are set set by using the String Editor dialog box:
To open the String Editor dialog box, click the icon in the Value box.
Insert a value corresponding to attribute data type in each string and click the Add button. If required, remove the value string using the Remove button.
After editing or adding a value, click the OK button to save changes.
Use the specified values of object attributes for further checking of access to objects in properties of attribute-based access control elements: purpose, condition.
See also: