Time Series Analysis > Building Workbook > Setting Up Data Views > Setting Up Data Table > Setting Up Table Data Formatting
To set up table data formatting, use the Data Area side panel tab.
NOTE. The tab is available only in the desktop application.
The tab contains the following groups of parameters:
Data. It is used to set up data formatting.
Modified Data. It is used to set up modified data formatting.
Parameters sets in the groups match.
Formatting parameters:
Font. Select one of the fonts available in the operating system.
Font size. Set the required font size. The size is set in points, and it can be selected in the drop-down list or entered manually. Available values range: [1; 72]
Text style. Click the buttons that determine font style:
B. Bold.
I. Italic.
U. Underline.
When the button is pressed, the corresponding font style is used. Several styles can be used simultaneously, for example, pressed buttons B and I result in the bold italic font style.
Font color. Select font color in the drop-down palette.
Cell text alignment. Set text alignment relative to the cell:
. Left. Default.
. Center.
. Right.
. By width.
Background color. If the checkbox is selected, cell background in the table heading can be changed. Use the drop-down color palette to select a color.
See also: