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Chart > Level Lines > Setting Up Level Line

Setting Up Level Line

To set up a level line, use the Levels tab of the Axis Format dialog box.

NOTE. Level lines can be set up in the Axis Format dialog box only in the desktop application. In a radar chart, the Axis Format dialog box can be used to set up only level lines of the category axis (X).

TIP. To quickly set up level line, use the Level Lines side panel tab.

To open the Axis Format dialog box

The Levels tab look depends on the selected axis. For example, when the Y axis is selected, the tab looks as follows:

The following operations with level lines are available on the tab:

Add and delete level line

Set level line value

Set up level line format and interval fill

Set up displayed part of a level line

Set up level line label

Set up data series overlapping

See also:

Level Lines | Setting Up General Chart Parameters | Setting Up Chart Components