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Chart > Chart Axes > Setting Up Report Scale > Setting Up X Axis Scale

Setting Up X Axis Scale

To set up X axis scale, go to the Scale tab of the Axis Format dialog box. The setup is available only in desktop application.

TIP. To quickly set up chart axes parameters, use the Value Axis X side panel tab.

To open the Axis Format dialog box

Use the tab to determine the following scale settings:

Set up minor tick lines display

Set up tick marks position

Set up axis position

Set up intersection of axis with Y axis

Set up displaying of hidden labels tick marks

Set up categories order

Set up custom interval between labels

Set custom interval between tick marks

Features of X Axis Scale Setup

Setting up the X axis scale has the following features:

  1. The Scale tab of the X axis for a scatter and bubble charts looks identical to the tab for Y axis. The only exception is the Crosses Y Axis parameter because both axes of these chart types are the value axes.

  2. On working with hierarchical scale of the X axis the Scale tab contains additional parameters.

See also:

Chart Axes | Setting Up Report Scale | Setting Up Y Axis Scale | Setting Up General Chart Parameters | Setting Up Chart Components