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Chart > Trend Line

Trend Line

Trend lines are used to graphically display trends in data and forecast their future changes. This type of analysis is named regression analysis. By using regression analysis, the user can extend a trend line in a chart beyond the actual data to forecast future values.

Working with trend lines is available for all chart types, except for radar, pie, doughnut, stock exchange, box, stepped, secondary histograms and secondary pie charts. When chart type changes to one of the above listed, the trend lines corresponding to chart data, are lost.

See below an example of a trend line created with the forecast for three points forward:

The following approaches are used on setting up data series:

Quick setup

Advanced setup

Quick Setup of Trend Line

To set up a trend line, use the Trend Line group on the Data Series side panel tab.

To display the tab

To show a trend line:

NOTE. This command is available only in the desktop application.

After executing one of these operations a trend line is added to the chart.

After the trend line is displayed, the following operations are available:

Select trend line type

Set up trend line displaying in the chart plot area

Set up displaying in legend

Set up trend line values forecast

Set peak interval

Delete trend line

See also:

Data Series | Setting Up General Chart Parameters | Setting Up Chart Components