Task Scheduling and Their Executing by Schedule > Starting Task for Execution > Creating a Configuration File
Task scheduler uses a configuration file with a fixed structure which must be located in the same folder with the executable file of the task scheduler.
The configuration file contains all service information of the task scheduler: repository name, parameters of connection to a repository, identifier of scheduled tasks container, and settings of the email server that is used to send notifications.
Main settings of the configuration file are created automatically from scheduled tasks container using the Task Container > Save Task Scheduler Settings main menu item. By default the created configuration file is named Scheduler.xml, and it is saved to the the folder with installed Foresight Analytics Platform. Place the created configuration file in the same folder with the executable file of the task scheduler on the server.
In the dialog box used to save settings for task scheduler, it is possible to chose the place where the file will be stored, name and authorization type which will be specified in settings. By default the Encrypt Credentials and Save Credentials checkboxes are not selected, therefore the user name and the password need to be specified in the Database Authorization dialog box at the task scheduler start.
NOTE. If the file is created automatically, the settings that are responsible for result sending and for operations log are not created. The sections are added automatically to the file if required.
To manually extend configuration file, follow the steps:
Open configuration file in any text editor.
Add the required modifications according to the configuration file structure and section description.
Save configuration file in the XML format and refresh settings of task scheduler.
NOTE. On working with a big number of tasks in the task scheduler, there are features of splitting task threads.
See also: