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Building Dashboards > Building Dashboard > Using Additional Dashboard Services > Working with Slides

Working with Slides

A slide is a single dashboard page that contains various blocks and visualizes particular information. Consequent viewing of slides enables the user to provide a full description of an object.

Using slides enables the user to create a multisheet dashboard.

NOTE. Working with slides is available only in the web application. If a dashboard with slides is opened in the desktop application, only the first slide contents is available.

To create a slide:

  1. Make sure that the slide panel is displayed.

  2. Select the item:

A slide will be added to the end of dashboard. Slide formatting settings will be applied from the previous slide.

Creating a sketch of the slide, inserting and setting up visualizers, reports, interactive controls, plugins and other blocks to the slide is executed similarly to the operations with a dashboard.

TIP. To add a slide to the specific location, select the Add Slide item in the slide's context menu, after which add the slide.

Basic Operations with Slides

Set up slide formatting

Copy slide

Change slide order

Set up slide view

Navigate between slides

Delete slide

Example of a dashboard with slides:

See also:

Building Dashboard | Export Dashboard in Slides Mode