Installing and Setting Up Foresight Analytics Platform > Installing Foresight Analytics Platform > Web Application Back End > Opening Web Application
To open the web application:
Make sure that the following conditions are met:
On the web application server, repository connection settings are set using the Set Up Repository Connection dialog box in the desktop application and the Anyone Who Uses This Computer checkbox is selected.
For repository based on SQLite, the work with Foresight Analytics Platform is available only in the desktop application in single-user mode.
NOTE. On using Linux OS repository connection is set up via the registry.
The PP.xml file with the correct path to the BI server in the <service> section is created in the web application back end installation folder.
The BI server installation folder contains the PP.xml file, in which the identifier of the default repository to be connected is specified in the <metabase> section. When the web application is opened, the connection to the specified repository is established.
NOTE. If the PP.xml file is not created on BI server, specify identifier of the default repository to be connected in the PP.xml file, which is stored in the web application back end installation folder.
Open supported browser and specify the web application URL in the connection string:
ASP.NET (IIS) and Apache:
http://<IP address or workstation name>/fp_App_v9.2/app/welcome.html
NOTE. The fp_App_v9.2 virtual directory is created automatically on installing web application back end.
Java (Apache Tomcat):
http://<IP address or workstation name>:<port>/pp/app/welcome.html
NOTE. Before specifying the port, see the requirements in the Ports and Protocols section.
ASP.NET (IIS) and Apache:
http://<IP address or workstation name>/fp9.2/app/welcome.html
NOTE. The fp9.2 virtual directory is created manually on installing web application back end.
Java (Apache Tomcat):
http://<IP address or workstation name>:<port>/pp/app/welcome.html
NOTE. Before specifying the port, see the requirements in the Ports and Protocols section.
If web application login is set via HTTPS protocol, determine the protocol in the URL prefix.
After executing the operation, the HTML page opens depending on the authentication type:
If password/domain authentication is used, the login.html page opens, on which select the repository to be connected, credentials of the repository user/domain user and click the Login button. If the connection is successful, the welcome.html page opens again, and a start page opens that is used to access repository objects.
If integrated domain authentication is used, the welcome.html start page opens and the login.html page does not open, the default repository is connected under the current operating system user. If a connection under a repository user is required on integrated domain authentication, specify login.html instead of welcome.html in the address bar.
NOTE. By default, the web application reuses sessions with the repository if several connections are established under the same user. The session reuse mode can be set up in the PP.xml file.
The registration page for system login displays the list of available repositories created depending on BI server settings. The path to BI server is set in the PP.xml file in the <service> section. By default, the connection is established to the repository specified in the PP.xml file in the <metabase> section.
For details about BI server settings necessary for creating a list of available repositories in Windows OS and Linux OS, see the Setting Up Repositories List, Configuration and Setup sections.
To sent a link to the repository object in the web application and navigate in Foresight Analytics Platform, use the <html page> substitution in the web application URL. If the web application has extensions connected, the URL of designer of business applications and navigation substitution will differ from the standard web application.
In the web application URL, instead of the <html page> substitution specify:
welcome.html. The Foresight Analytics Platform start page.
login.html. System login.
adm.html. Security manager.
navigator.html. Object navigator.
dashboard.html. Dashboard.
etl.html. ETL tasks.
model.html. Modeling problem.
olap.html. Express report.
rds.html. MDM dictionary and table MDM dictionary.
reporter.html. Regular report.
time-series.html. Workbook.
workspace.html. Workspace.
Designer of business applications URL:
ASP.NET (IIS) and Apache:
http://<IP address or workstation name>/DBA_App_v9.2/#/<navigation>
NOTE. The DBA_App_v9.2 virtual directory is created automatically on installing designer of business application back end.
Java (Apache Tomcat):
http://<IP address or workstation name>:<port>/dba/#/<navigation>
Instead of the <navigation> substitution, specify:
login. System login.
navigator. Object navigator.
agreement. Process.
dataentryform. Data entry/output form.
elt. Calculation algorithm.
dashboard. Dashboard.
tasketl. ETL tasks.
express. Express report.
dictionary. MDM dictionary and table MDM dictionary.
report. Regular report.
wsp. Workspace.
After specifying the substitution in the standard web application or designer of business applications set web application URL parameters to open the specific object.
Web application URL contains a set of parameters to change repository and open objects. Parameters are set after HTML page or substitution that determines type of repository objects, in conjunction with the #, &, ? characters.
General view of wev application URL to change repository:
In standard web application:
http://<IP address or workstation name>/fp_App_v9.2/app/<html page>#repo=<repository identifier>
In designer of business applications:
http://<IP address or workstation name>/DBA_App_v9.2/#/<navigation>?repo=<repository identifier>
General view of web application URL to open object:
In standard web application:
http://<IP address or workstation name>/fp_App_v9.2/app/<html page>#key=<object key>&<optional parameters>&repo=<repository identifier>
In designer of business applications:
http://<IP address or workstation name>/DBA_App_v9.2/#/<navigation>?repo=<repository identifier>&app=<business application identifier>?key=<object key>&<optional parameters>
NOTE. General view of web application URL is given on the example of the ASP.NET (IIS) and Apache web servers. The set of parameters for web application URL on the Apache Tomcat web server is set similarly.
In web application general views the use of mandatory parameters and a set of optional parameters are given. Optional parameters are set in a free order and are divided by &.
The table contains description of the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
repo | Repository identifier. Optional parameter. It is used to change repository specified in the PP.xml or DBA.config.json file to the repository with the specified identifier. If the parameter is not specified, the default connection is to the repository specified in the PP.xml or DBA.config.json file, if extensions are connected in the web application. On changing repository, the parameter is used by the following pages: welcome.html, login.html, adm.html, navigator.html in the standard web application. In the designer of business applications, the parameter is used with the values: login, navigator. The parameter is also used to open the object by key if the object is in the repository that is different from the default one. |
app | Business application identifier. Optional parameter. It is used to open the object to change business application specified in the DBA.config.json file to the business application with the specified identifier. If the parameter is not set, the business application that is specified in the DBA.config.json file opens by default. The parameter is used only after the repo parameter. |
key | Object key. Mandatory parameter. It is used to open object by key.By default, objects are opened from the repository specified in the PP.xml or DBA.config.json file. If the object is contained in the different repository, specify identifier of the repository, which contains the object using the repo parameter and set value to the key parameter. An object type in the standard web application is determined by the <html page> substitution before the key parameter:
An object type in the designer of business applications is determined by the <navigation> substitution before the key parameter:
mode | Object opening option. Optional parameter. It is used to open object for view or edit. The parameter can be set to:
mode=<value> NOTE. In the standard web application, editing is available for dashboards, modeling problems and express reports. In the designer of business applications, only dashboards can be edited. |
entry | Model equation key. Optional parameter. It is used to open model equations by key. The parameter is used after the key parameter in the format: entry=<equation key_1>,<equation key_2>,...,<equation key_n> |
params | Object parameters. Optional parameter. It is used to determine object parameters. The parameter is used after the key parameter in the JSON format: params={"<identifier of parameter_1>":"<value_1>","<identifier of parameter_2>":"<value_2>",...,"<identifier of parameter_n>":"<value_n>"} If the parameter takes several values, the parameter values array is set as follows: "<identifier of parameter>":["<value_1>","<value_2>",...,"<value_n>"] NOTE. Parameters can be determined only for regular reports, express reports, and data entry forms. |
The examples of parameters use:
Connection to repository with the fpRepository identifier:
http://<IP address or workstation name>/fp_App_v9.2/app/welcome.html#repo=fpRepository
Opening of express report with the 66814 key for edit in the repository with the fpRepository identifier:
http://<IP address or workstation name>/fp_App_v9.2/app/olap.html#key=66814&mode=edit&repo=fpRepository
Opening of regular report with the 90251 key for view and the PARAM1, PARAM2 parameters in the repository with the fpRepository identifier:
http://<IP address or workstation name>/fp_App_v9.2/app/reporter.html#key=90251&mode=view¶ms={"PARAM1":"1","PARAM2":["1","2"]}&repo=fpRepository
Openinf data entry form with the 4945 key and the PARAM1, PARAM2 parameters in the repository with the fpRepository identifier:
http://<IP address or workstation name>/DBA_App_v9.2/#/dataentryform?repo=fpRepository?key=4945¶ms={"PARAM1":"1","PARAM2":["1","2","3"]}
See also:
Web Application Settings | Setting Up Web Application to Work via HTTPS