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Portal Integration > IBM WebSphere Portal Integration > Updating Web Application of Foresight Analytics Platform at IBM WebSphere Portal

Updating Web Application of Foresight Analytics Platform at IBM WebSphere Portal

To update web application of Foresight Analytics Platform at IBM WebSphere Portal:

  1. Log in to the portal.

  2. Go to the Administration tab in the Manage Portlets section and select the Web Modules item.

  3. Find the pp-wps.war module using the search field.

  4. Click the Update Web Module button (shown in red in the figure below):

  1. The web module update wizard opens. Click the Select File button, select a new version of the pp-wps.war archive from the file system and click the Next button.

  2. A page with the list of updated portlets opens. Click the Finish button. If the update is completed successfully, an appropriate message is displayed.

See also:

Integrating Foresight Analytics Platform with IBM WebSphere Portal